Submitted By: Janice
Answered: July 8, 2014 8:30 am

Are wages earned by someone who is age 65 or older tax free?

Earned income remains taxable regardless of age. Similarly, such income continues to be subject to Social Security and Medicare taxes (FICA for an employee; self-employment tax for a self-employed person). The one age-related break: once a worker reaches the full retirement age (currently 66), then he/she can have any amount of earned income without a reduction or complete loss of Social Security benefits.

Tax Glossary


A fixed deduction allowed to every taxpayer, except those who may be claimed as a dependent by another person. Extra exemption deductions are allowed for a spouse on a joint return and for each qualifying dependent. A deduction of $3,400 is allowed for each exemption claimed on 2007 returns, but the deduction is phased out for certain high income individuals.

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