Submitted By: Alan
Answered: June 24, 2016 10:59 am

I thought all earnings in my IRA were tax deferred. I received Schedule K-1 showing income. Do I have to report this income now?

Yes. IRAs are taxed on unrelated business income. This may be received if your IRA holds an interest in a master limited partnership (MLP). This income is reported to an IRA owner on Schedule K-1 and must be reported currently on the IRA owner’s tax return; such income is not deferrable. More specifically, unrelated business income over $1,000 triggers unrelated business income tax (UBIT) that is reportable. If you have further questions, contact your IRA custodian or trustee.

Tax Glossary

Private letter ruling

A written determination issued to a taxpayer by the IRS that interprets and applies the tax laws to the taxpayer’s specific set of facts. A letter ruling advises the taxpayer regarding the tax treatment that can be expected from the IRS in the circumstances specified by the ruling. It may not be used or cited as precedent by another taxpayer.

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