If you pay the money directly to the facility, there is no dollar limit on how much you can effectively gift to benefit your mother for purposes of federal gift taxes. What’s more, this action may even entitle you to include the payment with your own medical expenses if you itemize deductions. As long as you pay more than half of your mother’s support of the year and meet certain other tests, you can treat this medical payment on behalf of your mother as your own (even if you can’t take a dependency exemption for her because her gross income is more than the allowable limit, which is $4,000 in 2015).
Items, such as interest, state and local income and sales taxes, charitable contributions, and medical deductions, claimed on Schedule A of Form 1040. Itemized deductions are subtracted from adjusted gross income to arrive at taxable income. The amount of itemized deductions is also subject to a reduction when adjusted gross income exceeds certain limits.