Submitted By: someone
Answered: October 6, 2020 12:17 am

Is tuition reimbursement from the church I work for taxable to me?

For purposes of determining whether an employee fringe benefit is taxable to the employee, the same rules apply whether the employers are tax-exempt organizations or private sector businesses. If the employer has an educational assistance plan, then reimbursements up to $5,250 for any higher education costs  are tax free. If the reimbursements are for courses that are job related, there is no dollar limit on the tax-free benefit.

Tax Glossary

Adjusted gross income (AGI)

Gross income less allowable adjustments, such as IRA, alimony, and Keogh deductions. AGI determines whether various tax benefits are phased out, such as personal exemptions, itemized deductions, and the rental loss allowance and modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).

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