Submitted By: Barbara
Answered: September 30, 2016 9:24 am

We own a home with no mortgage and a corporation with no debt. We need to make some improvements to our home. If we borrow the money from our corporation, can we deduct it?

It depends. Interest on a loan used for personal purposes is not deductible. Interest on a home equity loan, however, is deductible regardless of what you use the proceeds for. In order for a loan to be treated as a home equity loan, it must be secured by your residence. If you arrange the loan with the corporation so that the loan is secured by the residence, then interest would be deductible as a home equity loan. The limit on home equity debt for a married couple filing jointly is $100,000.

Tax Glossary

Keogh plan

Retirement plan set up by a self-employed person, providing tax-deductible contributions, tax-free income accumulations until withdrawal, and favorable averaging for qualifying lump-sum distributions.

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