May 30, 2019 9:35 pm

2019 Depreciation Limits and Inclusion Amounts for Vehicles

If you buy or lease a car, light truck, or van for your business, special tax rules may limit what you can write off. If you buy the vehicle, dollar limits cap depreciation write-offs. If you lease the vehicle, deductible lease payments must be reduced by an inclusion amount. The IRS has announced the numbers you need to know for 2019 (Rev. Proc. 2019-26).

Depreciation dollar limits. The 2019 dollar limits on depreciation of a vehicle are $18,100 for the first year ($10,100 if you do not use the vehicle over 50% for business or you opt out of bonus depreciation), $16,100 for the second year, $9,700 for the third year, and $5,760 for each succeeding year. These limits apply to light trucks and vans as well as to cars. However, for a vehicle acquired before September 28, 2017, and placed in service during 2019, the first-year dollar limit is capped at $14,900 (assuming bonus depreciation applies).

These dollar limits means that for many vehicles, the basic depreciation percentages (20% in the first year, 32% in the second year, 19.20% in the third year, 11.52% in fourth and fifth years, and 5.76% in the sixth year) likely will control write-offs because the depreciation allowance using these percentages is not greater than the dollar limits. For example, on January 1, 2019, you buy and place in service a vehicle costing $30,000. Your basic depreciation allowance is $6,000 (20% of $30,000). This is your depreciation allowance for 2019 because it is less than the $18,100 first-year dollar limit. A vehicle would need to cost more than $90,000 to trigger the first-year dollar limit. 

Inclusion amounts. There is no inclusion amount if the value of the vehicle first leased in 2019 is $50,000 or less (the same threshold as in 2018).

Tax Glossary


An amount taken from income as a prepayment of an individual’s tax liability for the year. In the case of wages, the employer withholds part of every wage payment. Backup withholding from dividend or interest income is required if you do not provide the payer with a correct taxpayer identification number. Withholding on pensions and IRAs is automatic unless you elect to waive withholding.

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