The Social Security Administration announced the 2014 wage base used for figuring the Social Security tax portion of FICA and self-employment tax. For 2014, this wage base is $117,000, up from $113,700 in 2013. This increase is consistent with a 1.5% increase in Social Security benefits paid in 2014.
There are no changes in the ages for retirement: full retirement for those born in 1943 through 1954 remains at 66 years; early retirement can begin at age 62. The amount that those under the full retirement age can earn without any loss of benefits in 2014 is $1,290 per month, up from $1,260 per month in 2013. Once this income threshold is exceeded, they lose $1 for each $2 above the earnings limit.
Source: Social Security Fact Sheet 10-31-13
Payments made to a separated or divorced spouse as required by a decree or agreement. Qualifying payments are deductible by the payor and taxable to the payee.