March 3, 2019 9:32 pm

Transfer to Former Spouse More than 6 Years after Divorce Was Tax Free

Transfers from one spouse to another related pursuant to a divorce or separation agreement are tax-free transfers. The transferring spouse does not pay tax on any gain; the transferee-spouse takes over the former spouse’s basis and will eventually pay tax on that gain.

However, regulations generally limit tax-free treatment to transfers that occur within 6 years after the date the marriage ceases. Transfers after that are presumed not to be related to the cessation of a marriage, but the presumption can be rebutted.

In a recent situation, a couple divorcing agreed to own property as tenants in common. However, after the property required extensive and costly repairs that were paid by one spouse, the other spouse agreed to a buyout of her interest. This transfer occurred more than 6 years after the marriage ended. However, the divorce decree contained stipulations to cover just such occurrences, so relying on the stipulations rebutted the presumption. Bottom line: the transfer by one spouse of her interest in the property to the other spouse was a tax-free transfer (Letter Ruling 201901003).

Tax Glossary

Involuntary conversion

Forced disposition of property due to condemnation, theft, or casualty. Tax on gain from involuntary conversions may be deferred if replacement property is purchased.

More terms